Food & Drink

See our deli­cious food and bev­er­age ven­dors below. Please note: food ven­dor hours are sub­ject to weath­er-relat­ed changes. Inter­est­ed in becom­ing a food ven­dor on Gov­er­nors Island? Click here.

Pic­nick­ing on Gov­er­nors Island

Vis­i­tors to Gov­er­nors Island are wel­come to bring their own food. There are plen­ty of shad­ed green spaces on the Island that are per­fect for lay­ing a blan­ket on the grass, or Adiron­dack chairs and pic­nic tables for those who would pre­fer them. Vis­i­tors are not per­mit­ted to bring alco­hol, but it can be pur­chased and con­sumed in spe­cif­ic areas. 

Grilling on Gov­er­nors Island

Grilling is not allowed except at grilling sta­tions avail­able by per­mit May through Novem­ber. Click here to reserve a grill.